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(25) Nutra Sweet" is bad for younot!
An "article" attributed to Nancy Markle containing allegations about aspartame has recently been circulating on the Internet. One
of the symptoms she and her "sources" have attributed to aspartame have
been substantiated in any clinical scientific study. We'd like to take this opportunity
to respond to these egregious allegations and assure you that aspartame is not
associated with any adverse effects. Second, the assertion that aspartame is "especially deadly for diabetics," is a dangerous fabrication. There is no question that aspartame has been beneficial to people with diabetes. It has allowed them to comply with a balanced diet and still enjoy the sweet foods those without diabetes take for granted. In fact, a national survey found that 86% of adults with diabetes use low-calorie, sugar-free foods and beverages. And, the American Diabetes Association has stated publicly that aspartame is a safe sugar substitute for those with diabetes. Third, the comments about multiple sclerosis (MS) and systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), and Alzheimer's Disease being linked to aspartame are especially outrageous. No one knows what causes these sad diseases, but they existed many, many years before aspartame came to the market. There has been no "epidemic." To frighten individuals (or family members) with such alarming and unsubstantiated statements is unconscionable. Finally, is the assertion that aspartame is even partially the cause of Desert Storm Syndrome. The so-called Desert Storm Syndrome has baffled scientists at the Institute of Medicine, Department of Defense, and half a dozen medical schools. In all probability, it represents a constellation of signs, symptoms, and possible causes. Thus far, it has been suggested that inhalation of toxic oil fumes and/or administration of anti-poisonous gas drugs and/or exposure to toxic agents and/or inoculation with various anti-bacterial vaccines, etc. may be the cause(s). Since 1965, aspartame has been studied extensively, resulting in an impressive collection of scientific data. With approximately 200 studies conducted in humans and animals, the safety of aspartame has been well established. The results of these scientific documentation have shown that eating products sweetened with aspartame is no different from eating other foods, thus demonstrating that aspartame is not associated with adverse health effects. It
is unfortunate that the Internet's remarkable capacity to transmit information
is being so abused. The "electronic publication" of this kind of "scientific"
misinformation - material that has not been subject to the scrutiny of rigorous
peer review such as occurs in scientific periodicals - constitutes a risk to those
less well-informed about an issue, who may have great difficulty in distinguishing
scientific fact from fiction. Under our First Amendment, anyone can proclaim "the
earth is flat," while the scientific evidence proves the earth is round.
In a similar vein, one can claim that aspartame is not safe, while overwhelming
scientific proof establishes that, indeed, it is safe. Noisy, outrageous assertions
without substantiating data do not constitute truth. |
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